A leaky air conditioner is a sure sign indicating something wrong with the unit. However, the question that remains is – what is causing the leakage and how to ensure the air conditioner filter does not get wet? In this article, we’ve highlighted four reasons for this to happen and three popular solutions!
Reasons for water leakage in air conditioner
Clogged pipes and filters
The most common reason for water leakage in air conditioners is clogged pipes and filters. The water pressure in the pipes may increase if the air conditioner condenser filteris clogged. This increase in pressure in the pipes causes the water to find alternative routes and create a leakage.
Disconnected pipes
The simplest reason for water leakage is disconnected pipes. Pipes may be disconnected during cleaning, moving or rearranging the HVAC units. It may also happen if the initial installation of the pipes is not correct; the problem may not manifest initially but may be noticed later on. You can solve this problem easily by reconnecting the disconnected pipes.
Frozen coils
When the water flow in the pipes decreases, check if the pipes are frozen. The decrease in water pressure causes condensation outside the pipe. This condensation can then turn into a leakage. It is most commonly a side-effect of clogged air conditioner condenser filters or if your pipes have particulate matter stuck in them.
Holes in pipes
Holes in pipes are an uncommon reason for leakage. Holes may occur if (1) you’ve received faulty equipment from the manufacturer or (2) you have transported the unit from one location to another. If your air conditioner has holes, you may notice it immediately. This problem seizes after multiple usages. In addition, holes will cause more leakage than the three other reasons listed above.
Solutions for water leakage
Air intake filter sock cover
The sock cover can help reduce the number of dust particles that enter the system. The air intake filter sock covers are available in many online markets and common shopping places like target. These are especially useful if you have a split Ac.
Regular cleaning
Regular cleaning is the most basic requirement for all HVAC systems. For air conditioners, the filters and coils should be cleaned or replaced on a timely basis. You can clean air filters and coils with a foaming cleanser and water without needing any additional assistance. Ideally, filters should be replaced every 6-8 weeks, depending on the usage. It would help if you did a deep cleaning of coils before spring and winter or once every six months.
Regular maintenance
Regular maintenance and tune-ups are straightforward methods to address all AC problems, including water leakages. Most air conditioners require servicing once every few months. Most contractors recommend maintenance and tune-up services twice a year. Calling a reliable contractor for these services can help increase the unit’s lifespan.
If you don’t know who to call, you can always contact Air Sock Filter. Air Sock Filter provides high-quality, affordable, and customer-centric services to all St. Paul, Minnesota residents. You can book their services by calling (651) 368-6418 or emailing, [email protected].